. What is “Team Fit” and Why is it Important?


What is “Team Fit” and Why is it Important?

23 September 2015

When companies hire, they usually look for someone who is a good team fit. But what is “Team Fit”? Essentially it is someone who will fit into the team or company culture. Making sure you will work well with the team and have similar positive behaviours.

Team fit cannot be taught as they are your personal attributes – it’s who you are. Anyone can be taught a new skill. I’m sure if I did some training I could learn how to be a Microsoft Excel whiz or complete a Business Activity Statement. Companies care about your technical skills and experience but these can be taught to anyone. What they will find harder to teach are personal attributes like a positive attitude, willingness to learn, ability to problem solve, desire to help others and take the initiative etc.

In interviews, many people focus on their past experience or where they have studied but if you really want to impress someone in an interview, win them over with your personality and show them that you will fit in well with their team and contribute. You will set yourself apart from the others and have a good chance of landing the job.

How can you show that you are a good team fit in an interview?  Here are our top 3 tips:

Who are you?

Let them know who you are! If they ask you, “Tell me about yourself”, don’t tell them about where you studied or where you have worked. Instead, tell them about you. What are your interests, what do you do in your spare time, what are some of your goals, how would your friends describe you? Give them some insight into who you are as a person. Don’t regurgitate everything on your resume.

Non-verbal communication

Focus on your non-verbal communication skills. Make sure you are always smiling (even when you are speaking), use eye contact, and have good posture. These are all ways of showing who you are and making a positive first impression without even speaking.

Team is important

Show them that working with a team is important to you by giving examples of previous teams that you have worked with. Ask lots of questions about their team and their company culture, then try to make a connection with yourself and their team.

Doing well in an interview is easy – make them like you! By all means I am not saying that you shouldn’t focus on your technical skills or previous experience, but you need to make a great impression by showing them who you are and how well you will fit in with their team.
